The Six R’s of Indigenous Research
What are the underlying values and principles that drive Indigenous research methodologies?
TheoriesCheck out the latest news, ideas, and resources in Community-Based Research
What are the underlying values and principles that drive Indigenous research methodologies?
TheoriesEnsuring the proper representation of all Bronx residents during any community research projects, regardless of social status or economic standing.
ExamplesAdvancing higher education’s role in urban and metropolitan settings
Support OrganizationsA guidebook for community organizations, researchers, and funders to help us get from insufficient understanding to more authentic truth.
GuidesA partnership agreement or memorandum of understanding (MOU) is a written document describing the partnership.
ToolsHow do you attend to all the relationships that make up a community-based research partnership?
TheoriesA tool that helps participatory research groups name our values and make power explicit on our team.
ToolsThe Praxis Project’s particpatory action research template supports community based organizations’ seeking to undertake research projects to support their community development and advocacy work. It …
ToolsPutting young people’s expertise at the center of knowledge production while opening pathways to higher education
ExamplesA multidisciplinary, distributed network of scholars and practitioners of community-based research
Support OrganizationsStudent Pathways. Action Research and knowledge generation. Critical Community Engagement
ExamplesSupport OrganizationsWe would love to keep you in the loop with what’s happening in the world of CBR. Sign up for our newsletter for updates, tools, funding opportunities, and more!